Equality vs Equity ExplainerAlthough sometimes used interchangeably for they aim to accomplish a similar goal, equality and equity are very different. Use this video/gif template to help visualize the fundamental differences between those two while also teaching your audience about other effective approaches to fairness and social change.With animated videos, you can promote a healthy business culture, build trust, and instruct your audience about prosocial behaviors that are surely going to help with your company’s efforts of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.Create Your Own Animated VideosThere’s a reason why Vyond is the leading platform for creating your own videos. Robust and powerful customization features are all wrapped into our simple, easy-for-everyone studio that comes fully loaded with everything you need to build engaging video experiences.See where your creativity can take you with a 14-day Vyond free trial; no credit card required.Keywords Business Friendly Characters no voice DEI GIF