5 Ways to Use Video to Improve Your Webinars

Along with the rest of the world, the workplace is constantly adapting and changing. A big part of this revolves around the way we use technology. The use of AI and CMS software has made an incredible difference in our daily lives.

Many companies are now also seeing the increased advantage of using videos to spruce up office life and boost customer engagement.

And with the popularity of videos having shot up this year, it’s no surprise. Believe it or not, in April 2020, it’s thought that 300 million people were using Zoom every day. With numbers that high, it makes sense to be a part of something that has a lot of engagement and easy accessibility.

Yet it isn’t just candidate interviews and morning meetings where video tech comes in handy. Video meetings can play a big role in webinars too. Not only do videos and webinars change up the boring old routine, but they keep people engaged and take a company out into the world.

Why Use Videos with Webinars?

A webinar is a web-based conference that is often live. It is used to talk to people about specialist topics and allows individuals from all over the world to talk at the same time. Audience sizes can vary from small to huge.

Using a video as part of a webinar gives it a new and exciting element. There is the option to change the webinar from a talk to a discussion. Or even to add in a pre-recorded video to give an example of your point. You can even use video to promote your webinar, like in this Vyond video template:

Already making videos in Vyond? You can open this template in Vyond Studio to create a custom webinar promo video!

Virtual office services, such as videos, are the perfect way to adapt to a changing future. And the great thing about them is you can use them in any part of your job, including as part of webinars.

So, to make sure you don’t get left behind, here are 5 ways to use video to improve your webinars.

An illustration of the back of two characters, sitting in desk chairs and looking at their computer monitors. Part of our resource post 5 Ways to Use Video to Improve Your Webinars

Source: Easel.ly

1. Be Flexible

The good thing about adding a video into a webinar is that it can be a pre-recorded piece. This lets you take things to the next level by being both prepared and flexible.

It means that even if your internet cut out, in having a video prepped, your audience would have something to occupy them. So instead of them twiddling their thumbs waiting for you to come back, they could watch it and discuss any points when you were back online.

It also means there is no more pressure for the whole team to come into the office for a meeting. If you can pre-prepare a video as part of a webinar, your staff can have flexibility in where they work. Sanjay can work from home and look after the kids. Maria can work from the office and get some quiet. And even though Jamie works part-time, he can catch up when he gets the chance.

Flexible working is thought to increase job satisfaction and improve work/life balance, so it makes sense to create videos that staff can access no matter where they are.

2. Collaboration

If you decide to do a live video as part of a webinar, it’s an excellent opportunity for some collaboration. Instead of using webinars as a chance to talk AT your team, why not use videos as a chance to talk WITH them?

It could be that you are discussing browse abandonment rates and marketing has ideas on solutions. Or perhaps the creative team has an input on the landing page. Whatever it is, using video in this way is a great chance to share ideas, increase productivity, and show respect for your employees.

Encouraging your team to collaborate through video is also great in the modern age of working. Because it doesn’t matter if you are hosting from a hotel in Hawaii or a conference room in Paris, you can communicate with your team anytime, anywhere.

What’s more, it doesn’t matter if you are working with permanent, freelance, or remote staff – everyone can feel involved.

Another way to use videos to collaborate is to record meetings. Then you can either re-visit any videos or add to ideas before setting up a webinar. Or you can use clips of videos as examples within your webinar.

Recording meetings often works better than discussing points over email, because it’s hard for everyone to be heard when using written communication. Discussing ideas over a video, however, gives everyone a chance to contribute.

Remember when getting staff involved in video meetings that they may need a bit of training on using new features. This will ensure that everyone is on the same page when it comes to using the equipment.

An infographic summarizing the tips from Giant Partners' linked article on repurposing webinar content.

Source: Giant Partners

3. Saving Money

The great thing about webinars and online videos is that people can talk live, no matter where in the world the various parties are based. This means that companies can save money on travel, hosting events, and hiring venues.

As a result, you have more money to spend on other things within your company. And, when it comes to improving webinars, you have more money to spend on that too. It could be that you invest in navigating cybersecurity metrics to keep an audience safe. Or maybe you can put more money into your marketing team to make sure the videos and webinars you make are attracting bigger audiences.

With webinars and videos being the future of office tech, investing in this space results in higher interest among your company.

You could be doing a webinar on an all-in-one desktop app. Or making a video conference about new tech statistics. Whatever it is, using video saves money. This is money you can pump back into your firm to improve your audience’s overall webinar experience.

4. Remote Working

A massive 99% of people say they want to work from home at some point during their careers. And as the trend toward working remotely grows, so does the need for communication technology.

Video calls and webinars are an excellent way to talk to remote employees. They mean you can keep your staff happy while also sharing work information. So, if you want to talk to a staff member about a project management task, you can have the same conversation over video that you would in the office.

And the great thing is that, like in the office, you can have a fantastic working culture even if your staff are 100% remote. Use video conferencing to talk to your employees, check up on them, and even have an online get together as a way to stay connected. This will raise spirits and let people know they have support when they need it.

What this also means is if you do have staff that work remotely, you are again saving money on overheads. By making the world aware you have webinar and video capabilities, you will be able to attract the best candidates from around the world. Who you will be able to interview via webcam?

One thing to remember with live video is that internet issues can cause delays. And when the screen freezes, it can be hard to read tones and facial features. All this takes is a little bit of patience to avoid any misunderstandings.

Tips for Video Conferencing from Home, taken from the linked article from Indy Displays

Source: Indy Displays

5. Be Creative

Webinars tend to be a little serious. And it’s understandable: customer engagement is a serious topic. But to make sure your audience is kept engaged, you can incorporate videos throughout your webinar.

It could be that you create a mini animation as part of a quiz. Or maybe you could add in a demonstration of the product you are talking about. Perhaps you could even incorporate a clip from YouTube as an example.

Webinars are also a great way to train staff. Again, training webinars can be stale. So adding a fun and creative video into a training session will help people to remember vital points and learn in a new and different way.

Using a video within a webinar gives you a chance to think outside the box and shake up traditional webinar formats. Doing something creative like that also gives you and your brand some personality. You could be discussing digital marketing for small businesses. Or giving health and safety training. Regardless, videos will keep your webinars fun and interesting.

An infographic with five tips for video call etiquette from the linked article.
Source: Canadian Payroll Services

The Takeaway

Videos and webinars help businesses to reach global audiences and are a great way of connecting with a range of people. They are a guaranteed way of taking firms into the future and from saving money to boosting sales, they have numerous benefits.

When making a video of any sort, be sure to use the correct equipment and film in a room with the right lighting and background. It’s always good to check the sound and plan out your thoughts before you start filming too. Or better yet; create your own animated video without the fuss and cost of live-action filming with Vyond Studio.

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About the Author

Zofia Bobrowicz Cohn is an EMEA Product Marketing Manager at RingCentral, a leader in cloud communication and cloud PBX software provider. As a strong believer in digital transformation, she thrives by helping organizations find the right technology that supports their business processes.