Tips from a former MrBeast video editor — and an all-new Vyond walkthrough | SIGN UP NOW
Introducing the industry’s first AI-powered script and video creator.
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Tips from a former MrBeast editor and two award-winning Vyond producers.
Course completion rates jumped from 33% to 68% with Vyond
About QuickbaseQuickbase is a Boston-based software company. Its flexible application platform helps companies in any industry to see, connect, and control their projects and workflows.
IndustrySoftware and technology
Quickbase offered an introductory course to help customers learn the basics of its platform and adopt the software more broadly across their teams and companies.
The problem was, only a third of the audience was completing the course. And that was after a recent revamp. Quickbase’s customer education team had already converted a text-heavy original course in Adobe Captivate into a more interactive one using Articulate. But the overhaul had only improved completion rates by a percentage point.
The pressure was on to get more customers both completing the course and the full certification program. “We had to find another way,” says Ashley DeKerlegand, Director of Customer Education at Quickbase. “That was when we brought in Vyond.”
Senior Technical Learning Experience Designer Jay Urquhart began rebuilding the Articulate content as a series of Vyond videos with a fun intergalactic theme, making use of Vyond’s scene template library.
“Before we get into using the product, we first want to cover some important basic concepts,” says Tracy Prentiss, Manager of Customer Education. “That gets boring when you’re just reading it in words. But watching it as part of a story, with characters explaining it to each other, becomes much more memorable and engaging.”
Given that the team would be making content updates frequently to match product release schedules, they opted to use Vyond’s text to speech and AI voices to simplify the process.
“Historically, we’ve had to record all that voice-over ourselves, which is not scalable,” says Ashley. “We’ve been so impressed by Vyond’s selection of AI voices — none of our content authoring programs has anything comparable.”
Since the launch of the new Vyond course, the completion rates have more than doubled: up to 68% from 33%. The course’s Net Promoter Score (NPS) increased from 62 to 88. And Quickbase’s number of certified users and the product adoption rate of those users has dramatically improved.
“People are just raving about it,” Ashley says. “They just love the Vyond characters and storytelling.”
Ashley’s team is so proud of their work they submitted the course for the 2024 Brandon Hall Awards. And other departments at the company are taking notice.
“From a management perspective, I’m hearing the team say that Vyond projects are the best projects they work on,” Ashley says. “And our marketing team loves our videos so much, they’re interested in getting some seats too.”
Ashley DeKerlegandDirector of Customer Education, Quickbase