How Matt Moran uses Vyond to create engaging online courses

The popularity of online courses has grown enormously over the last decade, and it’s no surprise. Armed with some simple content creation tools, a modern educator can use the web to reach learners all around the globe with interactive, engaging lessons.

One such teacher is Matt Moran, a professional public speaking coach with over 20 years of experience working with Fortune 500 companies like Capital One and Dell. After honing his teaching skills with executives, Matt knew that he wanted to reach a broader audience. He decided to create Stand & Deliver, an online public speaking course, to share his lessons with students from all over the world.

Stand & Deliver is a blended-learning course that offers a combination of videos, worksheets, and coaching sessions. To create the videos, Matt used both Vyond animations and live-action footage to engage his audiences. The course was launched just this past April, and, already, 15 students are enrolled in the program.

We caught up with Matt to learn more about how he uses Vyond in his course and how he successfully built his brand as a training professional over the past 20 years.

You’ve been coaching professionals on public speaking for the last two decades. At what point did you start creating training videos with Vyond to teach public speaking skills? How has this video portion of your business grown over time?

Moran: I started using Vyond this past December, when creating my public speaking course videos. I launched the program in April. Since that time, I have been using the animations in my weekly “Tips and Tricks” videos on social media as well.

Did you have a background in video skills over time to grow this part of your business? 

Moran: Well, I do actually have a degree in film, so when I began using Vyond, I already had a pretty solid grasp of how to tell a story on “film.”

Which of your courses and videos use Vyond? 

Moran: I use Vyond all throughout my entire Stand & Deliver course, as well as in my social media ads and “Tips and Tricks” videos. They are great for adding humor (which is a fantastic learning tool), and for breaking up the monotony of me speaking to the camera. The title and graphics possibilities are almost endless, and it’s so incredibly easy to use. I’m pretty much in love with Vyond.

How many students have taken your Stand & Deliver course? Have any videos performed particularly well? 

Moran: So far, about 15 students have taken my actual course. It sells at a fairly high price point, and Vyond actually helped me feel more comfortable with making that price point what it is. It helps my videos appear a lot more professional.

The videos that have performed the best are the ones where I combine live action with animation. I use the animated segments to demonstrate the concepts I am teaching, and my audience loves watching the characters live out their lives in fun and interesting ways.

You combine live video footage with Vyond animations for your training courses. How do you decide when to use live video versus animation?

Moran: It just depends on the concept that I’m teaching. If it’s something that’s more “big picture,” I will often use live action. But when I’m outlining a series of steps, I’ve found that Vyond works great.

One of my favorite things to do is to create characters who “live out” on screen the scenarios that I’m talking about in my teaching. Sometimes I’ll open a video with an animated scenario to truly draw my audience in. Other times, I’ll use it sporadically throughout my video. My audience often comments on how they can relate to one or more of the characters I’ve created, and they love seeing the animated version of me, dressed in the same clothes that I’m wearing in the live-action segments.

What tools do you use other than Vyond to create your training videos? 

Moran: I shoot everything myself in my house, and I edit on Final Cut Pro X.

What is your advice for learning professionals who want to create a blended course like yours?

Moran: Great question. My advice to folks who are considering doing something like this would be, first, to really hone your script before diving into shooting or creating animations. Solid writing and organization of content are the keys to success. Secondly, be aware that making videos does take time, depending, of course, on the level of quality that you’re seeking. For me, 30 seconds of animation creation (including audio) takes about two to three hours to make, so it’s essential that I have a good script to work with from the start.

Also consider “piloting” your course in some way with friends or trusted colleagues so they can give you feedback on your material, worksheets, etc. While you don’t have to utilize all of their advice, it is essential to understand how your people are receiving the content.

You’ve built a successful brand as an educator. What advice would you give to training consultants who also want to build their brand? How have you built your brand through video?

Moran: Be consistent with the videos you put out on social media*. *It takes a while for an audience to get used to seeing you and your brand, but when they do, the work eventually starts flowing in. For me, releasing weekly “Tips and Tricks” videos has been critical to building my brand. Give your audience information that is useful to them, as opposed to just selling your product. When people realize that you’re providing information that they can use in their work and life, your brand builds itself.* *

What are your top three tips for successfully delivering presentations and public speaking? 

Moran: First of all, instead of asking your colleagues, “How did I do?” after a presentation you’ve delivered, ask, “If you had to pick just one thing I could do better, what would it be?”

Secondly, video record yourself delivering presentations, and then go back over them with a fine-tooth comb. You won’t believe the things you will see and hear, and although it’s hard to watch yourself speaking on camera, it’s the only way to truly grow.

Finally, practice in front of a mirror five minutes a day, five days a week. Frequently practicing is what produces transformational results.

What advice would you give to a beginner making an animated video? 

Moran: Watch as many of the Vyond tutorials as you can in order to learn how to keep things fresh and interesting. Watch YouTube tutorials from YouTube users, too, to learn new tips for making your videos more interesting. And then, just play around. And don’t be afraid to use humor in your videos. People love it.

What is the single biggest reason you would recommend Vyond? 

Moran: Ease of use, and the endless options. It’s just so dang easy and so much fun!


Teaching an interactive online course with Vyond

With Stand & Deliver, Matt is no longer limited to coaching students in person. His course is online, so it’s available all over the world. Beyond being accessible, his interactive course engages and delights audiences. Matt has combined live video with Vyond animations to keep students visually captivated as he teaches various concepts.

If you’re a training professional, we highly recommend you visit Matt’s site to explore how he approaches blended-learning courses. The mix of video content, worksheets, and coaching sessions that he provides gives students a well-rounded learning experience and leaves them feeling prepared to deliver a presentation.

“This is hands down the best, most game-changing course I have EVER taken,” said sales executive Gary Krieg, one of Matt’s students.

Create your own animated video