Spotlight: Anika Duvall On GoAnimate And eLearning By Vyond Team on April 10, 2013Welcome to our newest section on Video Maker Tips: Spotlight!Here we’ll feature guest posts from real GoAnimate and GoAnimate for Business users who are using our product in an interesting way, as well as highlight industry experts and their use of online video.First up is Anika Duvall, who uses GoAnimate for Business in her eLearning courses at work. Read more about how she uses her videos here:As an e-learning designer and developer I am always on the lookout for new ideas that will keep my courses fresh and exciting for our learners. About a year ago I was feeling uninspired and in a bit of a rut with my designs, so I took to the Internet for some inspiration. This is when I came across GoAnimate for Business.What drew me to GoAnimate initially was that I could build great looking animations without the need for programming or other special skills. Not only was it easy to learn, creating the videos was quick – and I am always pressed for time on my projects. It became clear that Go Animate videos could integrate into my e-learning projects and become a powerful new tool for me.At first I started out small, embedding a quick video in an e-learning project here and there. But after a while, I realized I could get a little more creative. Here are a couple of ways I have used Go Animate in my courses:1. Use a video as a test question: the questions I usually use are scenario-based where the character will introduce a problem and the learners have to choose the correct actions. For scenario-based quiz questions, I like to use a GoAnimate video for feedback as well – so I will create a short video with the character dancing if they get the question right and the character crying if they get it wrong (for example).2. Create a branching scenario: allow the learners to choose different paths and watch the scenario unfold. Using animation rather than static pictures and words is more interesting and really brings the scenario to life. I use Adobe Captivate and Articulate Studio to create the branching scenarios. Both instances I download the video from GoAnimate and drop it into my course. I embed the video usually next to a button, hyperlink or question. The learner can watch the video (I leave the controls open so they can re-play as needed) and then they make a selection which will branch them to another video.3. Create a character for help or feedback: create videos with a character offering help, providing an explanation on a topic or giving feedback on a test question. This is more engaging and motivating for the learners than audio or text alone.4. Bring a concept to life: using animated videos to illustrate an idea or concept makes our e-learning courses more impactful and sets up our learners for success.All of these uses have been popular, but my favorite use of GoAnimate videos has been to involve my co-workers in creating the animations. I seek out volunteers to provide a voice over for our videos. We build the character, play with voice over effects and record the audio together. Getting my colleagues involved in e-learning development helps increase buy-in, keeps the videos interesting and builds enthusiasm – we also have a lot of fun in the process. Overall, Go Animate has been a great addition to the tools I use when building e-learning. I am sure I will continue to find new ways to use animated videos in my projects.–Anika Duvall, Training Specialist, Northwest Farm Credit ServicesTo learn more about how GoAnimate can help with your training or eLearning courses, visit /plans/business.Are you using GoAnimate or GoAnimate for Business in an interesting way, or know someone who is? We want to hear about it! Email [email protected], tweet at us (@GoAnimate) or send us a message on Facebook.