New Assets: Business Friendly Handyman Action Pack By vyd@dmin on August 21, 2013Introducing our Business Friendly Handyman Action Pack!Work it!Now your characters can fix anything! From welding to fixing faucets and electrical wires, we’ve got you covered.We’ve also included some other great actions in here, including assembly line production, quality control, dish washing, fork lift operating, and more.Perfect for those that like a little more grease in their videos, so to speak.Watch this video to see what we’re talking about!To start using Handyman Actions in your videos, log in or sign up at /plans/business. Click on the Business Friendly Video Theme. Once inside the Video Maker, drag a character onto The Stage. Click on the character to reveal more options. Then, mouse over to the Actions Tab, and select the Handyman category. Select one that helps tell your story best.Now get to work!Happy animating!