eLearning Blogs to Inspire and Inform Learning Strategy

Our Top eLearning Resources

The eLearning community put themselves at the forefront of training technologies when they emphatically adopted video creation into their learning strategy. eLearning blogs are a go-to resource that have pushed to inform learning strategy and inspire video creation.

There’s a large variety of eLearning blogs out there and it’s hard to determine which one is the best and most necessary resource for your learning and development programs. When each blog has its strength and attributes that sets it apart from all the other eLearning blogs, how do you know which blog to loyally return to every week?

Finding an online resource that fits your interests whether it’s a strong voice, a friendly design, or quality  guest writers has just become much  easier. We recommend that you follow a few of these blogs for their varied resources.

If you’re looking for a learning blog with….

Strong Voice: The Learning Coach

Connie Malamed’s website is a great resource for “actionable strategies, practical content, product reviews and resources to help you design, develop, and understand online learning”. She’s an expert in multimedia and instructional design, which comes through in her writing.

Get started with our favorite piece, “How to Write Better Analogies for Learning.”

Focused Niche: Don’t Waste Your Time

This blog is the brainchild of David Hopkin, who is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA, 2011) and holder of Certified Membership of the Association of Learning Technology (CMALT, 2013). Hopkin discusses topics  like eLearning, mLearning, Blackboard / VLE / CMS, simulation-based learning, technology in the classroom, and more at great length and with a wry sense of humor.

Get started with our favorite piece, “What makes a Good Online Experience?.”

Lengthier Content: Learnlets

Written by Clark Quinn, this blog provides quality content that explores the infrastructure and organizational learning experience design processes. Quinn specializes in the strategic design of advanced system solutions, intelligent system architecture, presentation, and publication. Plus, Quinn was appointed as the eLearning Guild’s first-ever Guild Master for contributions to the field.

Get started with our favorite piece, “Cognitive Business.”

Fresh and Fun Content: Learnnovators

Learnnovators specializes in the development of engaging and innovative eLearning solutions and they do it well. With over 10,000 hours of learning content for a wide range of industry verticals including Advertising, Automotive, Banking, Defense, Engineering, Healthcare, Hospitality, HR Services, IT/ITES, Insurance, Nuclear Energy, Oil and Gas, Retail, Safety, and more on their website there’s a reason Learnnovators are a multiple-award winning organization. Learnnovators helps organizations address skill and performance gaps in their workforce by creating tailor-made solutions that are aligned with their business goals.

Get started with our favorite piece, “5 Ways to Avoid Overwhelming Learners.”

Strong Use of Effective Visuals: EI Design

EI Design is visually amazing, but their content also works to understand your needs, from Training Needs Analysis (TNA) to formal training in the workplace. Their comprehensive portfolio includes mobile learning with multi-device support, blended learning, localization support, technology, and Learning Management System advice.

Get started with our favorite piece, “How to Predict and Measure the Learnability of Online Courses.”

Impressive  Guest Hosts/Writers: Open Sesame

Open Sesame is working to become the largest marketplace for online training courses, therefore the content on their blog is an extension of those efforts. They’re on their way to achieving marketplace domination by frequently inviting guest writers to their blog as well as having the broadest catalog with 20,000+ courses from the world’s leading publishers.

Get started with our favorite piece, “Humanizing the eLearning World.”

All things Training: Cathy Moore

Cathy Moore’s blog is a great resource to move away from boring corporate training towards designing lively training in Learning Development. Moore’s blog is full of tips to expand the skills of your instructional designers. Her train-the-trainer materials have helped a wide range of organizations, including Pfizer, the National Health Service (UK), the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the US Department of the Interior, and the Center for Creative Leadership.

Get started with our favorite piece, “Five Ways to Become a L&D Hero.”

All things eLearning: eLearning Learning

eLearning Learning is a community and collaborative effort. This blog collects and organizes the best posts and articles in eLearning. The website aggregates “content from a variety of sources, organize that content around keywords in the topic domain, and support both manual and social curation of that content.” If you want to know how to keep up with the eLearning Jones’, this blog has all the relevant content that you could hope for at corporate levels of eLearning.

Get started with our favorite piece,” Why We Love Social Learning (And You Should, Too!).”

Informative Webinars: ATD

The Association for Talent Development (ATD) is the world’s largest association dedicated to helping learning professionals achieve their full potential. ATD provides an enormous amount of trusted content like research, books, events, and education programs, but it’s their webcasts that are incomparable. ATD supports the work of professionals in more than 125 chapters, international strategic partners, and global member networks.

Get started with our favorite piece, ”Achieving Blended Learning Success With Bite-Sized Videos.” You may notice that this piece was a collaborative effort with yours truly. To access the webinar you do need to be a member.

Empowering Content: SchwindTEC

The down to earth SchwindTEC team creates eCourses that are based on real world experiences. With more than 25 combined years of eLearning design and development experience, SchwindTEC offers instructional solutions that are effective, affordable, and engaging. They’re not kidding when they say that they are changing the eLearning Paradigm.

Whatever your specific eLearning needs may be, the resources are out there. In the meantime, GoAnimate will continue to produce our own eLearning content so make sure to come back here for more.

GoAnimate is a cloud-based animated video creation platform. With GoAnimate you can create animated videos for your business using thousands of props, assets, and characters, representing hundreds of industries. Create professional videos with simple drag-and-drop tools for a low monthly cost. Try the 14-day free trial today!