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[Case Study] TalkRoute makes an explainer video with Vyond

We recently spoke with Paul Howey, Co-founder and CEO of TalkRoute, a Chicago-based startup re-designing the way small businesses receive incoming calls. TalkRoute used Vyond to make an explainer video, front and center on its homepage — and we wanted to get some feedback on the experience.


Paul said he was familiar with Vyond before he set about to create the video and that, since his company was a small business and a startup, he “wanted to use the tools that his customers did, instead of hiring an outside company.”

Paul set out with a $500 budget.

The first thing he did was purchase a Vyond GoPremium Plan for $79. He then, in collaboration with his staff, worked on the script for about a week. This was a high-visibility project and they wanted to be deliberate and get it exactly right.

He then went into the Vyond studio and made the movie itself. Working with care, he said the video took “2 or 3 solid days.” Some folks work a bit faster, but when you’re marketing your baby to the world on your homepage it’s worth the investment of time.

When the script and the video visuals were set, Paul used his excess budget to hire a voiceover professional. Paul’s approach was fascinating; he read several studies showing that consumers are more apt to purchase goods and services from voices they are familiar with. So he therefore set out to find a voice that was extremely popular.

He tracked down Mike O’Brian, who’s done voice work for giants like Microsoft, Amazon, Coke, Sprint, and Facebook. He paid for the quality — and exhausted what remained of his budget — but felt it was more than worth it. The voice sounds really awesome.

Next Paul sagely used our friends at Wistia to host the video on TalkRoute’s site. He loved Wistia’s handsome interface and the ability to get instant data on how the video performs.

And that was pretty much it. For about $500 TalkRoute created a professional, animated explainer video. Paul even wrote a blog post about the experience.

Looking back on his decision to use Vyond, Paul says “We are growing as a start up, and we were at the point where an explainer video like this could lend to our credibility. And it turned out great.” Take a look at the video, above.

About Vyond

GoAnimate is now Vyond. Learn more about the changes. 

Vyond allows people of all skill levels in all industries and job roles to create dynamic and powerful media. With features that go beyond moving text and images, you can build character-driven stories or compelling data visualizations that engage audiences and deliver results.

Start making your own videos today. Sign up for a free 14-day trial and attend our weekly tour of the Vyond Studio.