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Blog header for how to make infographics videos

Communication Tips, Human Resources, Learning & Development, Marketing, Sales & Sales Enablement, Video Creation

How to Make Infographics Videos in 6 Actionable Steps

The average blink of an eye happens in 400 milliseconds, less than one-half of a second. If we handed you a newspaper article and took it back after less than one-half of […]

Communication Tips, Human Resources, Learning & Development, Marketing, Sales & Sales Enablement, Video Creation

4 Reasons Your Startup Needs an Animated Video

Ben Bernstein, Social Marketing Manager at Viewbix, guest posts on Business 2 Community. In this post, Ben talks about the common misconception that video is a luxury companies cannot afford, and explains why […]


New Features: Unveiling The New GoAnimate

Site Update: Unveiling The New GoAnimate Previously we mentioned that GoBucks, the currency on GoAnimate, were being retired effective September 16, 2013. But we still have some secrets to share!